Darker Than Black (2007)—A Underrated Anime Series with a Lackluster Second Season
Set in Japan, the show revolves around Contractors–certain people who possess specific powers, but lose their ability to feel regular...
Set in Japan, the show revolves around Contractors–certain people who possess specific powers, but lose their ability to feel regular...
Martin Scorsese is one of the most talented and sought after directors of all time, creating legendary masterpieces such as...
Romantic comedies are usually not my type of movie, as they are often boring and formulaic. However, I could also...
In honor of the new Resident Evil Netflix series coming out this July, we figure that it’s time to review...
Ever since the release of Deadpool, there has been a steady demand for more Ryan Reynolds films, and he shows...
Back in 2018, Sony released Venom in theaters in hopes to kick start a Spider-Man cinematic universe…without Spider-Man. After Venom...
Estranged brothers, Tommy Riordan and Brendan Conlin, both find out about an MMA open tournament with a purse of $5...
Based on a popular novel of the same name by Diane Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle revolves around a young...
Guess what everyone? It’s April Fool’s day! Many of you may think we’re reviewing Darkest Hour starring Gary Oldman as...