Darker Than Black (2007)—A Underrated Anime Series with a Lackluster Second Season
Set in Japan, the show revolves around Contractors–certain people who possess specific powers, but lose their ability to feel regular...
Set in Japan, the show revolves around Contractors–certain people who possess specific powers, but lose their ability to feel regular...
Romantic comedies are usually not my type of movie, as they are often boring and formulaic. However, I could also...
Back in 2018, Sony released Venom in theaters in hopes to kick start a Spider-Man cinematic universe…without Spider-Man. After Venom...
Based on a popular novel of the same name by Diane Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle revolves around a young...
With the 94th Academy Awards taking place last Sunday, most of the nominations make sense. However, one nominee comes at...
Back in 2009, Warner Brothers announced they were going to make a Suicide Squad movie with David Ayer, best known...
In 2019, director Bong Joon-ho came out with a black comedy that also served as social commentary on the political...
When it comes to animated films, Pixar and Japanese anime films such as Your Name often dominate the box office....
Let’s take some time to talk about Uwe Boll, and oh boy, we got a lot to talk about. Uwe...